Meraki Registration Booklet



1.The terms of this contract apply from_____________to____________.

2.Enrolment includes a completed registration form, the first monthly fee entrance and a monthly deposit fee for the child's completion of the program.

3.Fees are due on the first of the month. A child may not attend if the payment is not received on the due date. Parents/guardians are expected to arrange alternative care until all outstanding fees are paid.

4.NSF charge is $25.00

5.The child centre opens at 8:00am and closes at 5:00pm. Parents are expected to be on time for pick up of their child/children and will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per minute and must be paid the next day. I acknowledge and agree that failure to do so may result in dismissal of child.

6.Parents/guardians are to give a one months notice for withdrawal from the program. There are no refunds for mid month withdrawals. There is no refund for family holidays and or sick days.

7.A non-refundable deposit for half of a month’s fee is required at registration to hold a space for your child. This deposit is NONE-REFUNDABLE and will be applied to your fee for the first of the month of enrolment.

8.Either party reserves the right to request a child be withdrawn if he/she is unable to adapt or adjust within the first month or, in the caregiver’s opinion, the child has needs they are unable to provide for or meet. During this period, lesser notice will be accepted.

9.Parents/guardians are to read the parent hand book and agree to the policies and procedures. Policies are procedures may be updated from time to time and changed, including fees. Fee increases are given at least a one months notice. Parents will be informed of all changes

I have read and understand the parent handbook, and the above enrolment terms.

I hereby agree to all terms and conditions presented upon enrolment of my child/children.


Signature of parent/guardian












1. Meraki Early Learning Centre Health Prevention Policy 

I agree to keep my child at home when he/she is ill. I have read and agree to the Health Guidelines.


2. Meraki Early Learning Centre Emergency Plan

I agree to the policy for an emergency. The centre may call for an ambulance in the event that my child is injured and required professional and medical care.


3. Meraki Early Learning Centre Photography Consent

I give permission to Danae Spittel and staff to photograph my child. I understand the photography’s will be used for my child’s portfolio, classroom displays, social media and or website. 


4. Meraki Early Learning Centre Field Trip Permission

Field Trips add to social learning. Parents are welcome to join us and may be asked to supervise. Parents will be informed of all field trips well in advance. I give permission for my child to attend field trips.



Signature of Parent/guardian








Enrolling parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns about the children’s program or our procedures with daycare staff. If a conflict arises, the goal is to resolve differences of opinion and find solutions that everyone can accept. We are committed to providing a caring and supportive environment for our children and families. If there continues to be a problem, a meeting can be arranged between families, staff and Danae Spittel (Manager/Supervisor). To:

           Define the issues;

           State point of view; and

           Identify solutions when possible.


If a family wishes to appeal a decision, they can meet with Danae Spittel (Manager/Supervisor) to discuss it. 


In the case of persistent conflicts, when all reasonable attempts to solve problems have failed, for the sake of the child, family and staff, the family will be asked to make other daycare arrangements. We must at times be able to accept that our daycare is not the right fit for some children and families.


Signature of parent/guardian











Meraki Learning Centre will ensure that children enrolled in the program will only be released to the parent/guardian whose name is signed to the registration form or the person listed on the pick up authorization form if the parent/guardians made other arrangements.

Parents/Guardians are to sign in upon arrival and sign out when leaving. The sign in/out sheet is located at the front entrance.

Only the people listed will be permitted to leave with your child. The adult will be asked to show identification. This is a safety measure for the children and their families.

If someone arrives that is not on the pickup list, your child will not be released. We will contact you and ask the person/persons for identification. We will not release your child until we have your permission. Please be sure to call prior to pick up and provide a means of identification (description) and inform the person that will be picking up that they will be asked for photo identification.

In the event of an emergency, your contact list will be used. In the event of no contact over 30 minutes, the Ministry for Children and Families may be contacted to help with the location of the parents and the security of your child.

The daycare centre will not release a child if the person designated to pick up appears to be incapable of providing safe care for that child, this includes alcohol on the breath or obvious intoxication due to alcohol or drugs. The child care supervisor will suggest alternative transportation and care for that child. The emergency contact list will be used and depending on the condition of the adult, a taxi could be called to ensure a safe ride home for the adult.

If the person does not agree with the decision of the supervisor, the Ministry for Children and Families will be contacted, and in the event that the child’s safety is at risk, the police will be called.

All child release incidents are documented.

* I have read and agree to the Child Release Policy:


Signature of parent/guardian










I will: 

- Ensure that I will be close enough to children to intervene in the event of an issue occurring; 

- Ensure that children are not left alone in the playground or in the room. 

- Have clear sight lines to all children in the group at all times. I will place myself in a position to ‘supervise’ as much of the ‘whole group’ as possible; 

- Ensure that where multiple areas are available to children at the same time (indoor/outdoor activities) that such areas are appropriately supervised; 

- Ensure children are only released only to authorized people; 

- The children will be in my view at all times while outside of the home. Inside the home, I will able to respond to the child to provide immediate care and protection from harm.  A baby monitor will only be used when the children having a nap time.

- Complete accident/incident forms for all injuries and report them to the Licensing Officer within 24 hours; 

-  Be consistent in enforcing limit setting using my “Guidance Policy ” 

- Do regular head counts of children in my care, especially when entering the backyard or playground and on leaving the backyard or playground, and on excursions; 

- Be aware of the location of each child at all times; 

- Ensure that supervision is active and interactive with children.

- Encourage children who wish to use the bathroom, to inform me and I will accompany them if needed;

- Ensure that front door and playground gates are closed after entry and exit; 

- Ensure all areas are visible, accessible and free of potential hazards; 

- Ensure to follow all guidelines and legislation;



Signature of parent/guardian







 Download Printable Meraki Registration Booklet PDF