Meraki Information Booklet


The goal of Meraki Early Learning Centre is to provide a stimulating environment where children can develop physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and creative skills in a caring, loving, and home like atmosphere.

The child will be given many opportunities for physical development. The children will learn how to use their body effectively: climbing, sliding etc. Large balls and use of outdoor playgrounds will help develop gross motor skills. Puzzles, finger painting, play dough, threading beads, using pencils; crayons and brushes will help their fine motor skills.

The program will enable the child to grow socially. They will learn to communicate with and respond to adults and other children outside his/her immediate family circle. They will learn to share, wait for their turn, to become self-reliant and to become considerate of others. The child will be encouraged to be responsible for his/her own belongings and to take their part in maintaining their environment.

The child will learn to recognize, accept and express feelings, learn to cope with frustration, express anger appropriately, give and receive attention. They will also be able to develop independence, and make decisions, develop awareness and respect for the feelings of others and continue developing a positive self-image, which contributes to their emotional growth.

We will provide plenty of opportunities for intellectual growth. Language skills are developed as the child communicates with one another and with the teachers. Re-telling stories, learning rhymes, songs and finger plays require concentration and a retentive memory. Listening skills are developed at story time. Concepts related to numbers, space and time are also developing through weekly themed activities.

Creative development is also emphasized. The child is encouraged to use imagination and materials in a novel and in many other ways. The child also is encouraged to give more than one answer to a question and find more then one solution to a problem.

"Learning through play", philosophy will help the child grow towards knowing themselves as well as the world around them.






To allow each child to develop their greatest potential at their own rate.


To develop the child's social skills of communication through discussion.


To provide the opportunity to experience a variety of materials and activities.


To promote physical well-being.


To educate the child in safe use of materials and equipment.


To promote self-help skills


To value a child's natural curiosity and to challenge a child intellectual through our philosophy "children learn through play".





Gradual entry is an opportunity for a child to attend a few hours a day until the child feels comfortable enough to stay on their own. For some children, this will be their first large group experience. For children who have been in a daycare before, a new situation can still be a significant change. This approach maximizes your child’s chances of a positive experience in a group environment. It is mandatory that you allow time in your schedule for this procedure, as we will follow the gradual entry according to the description below.

Here are some ideas that might help: 

Keep the "goodbye" short

Present yourself as happy (ensures your child that you are confident and this is OK)

Never sneak out

Develop a goodbye ritual and routine - for example: read a book and then depart 

Reassure your child he/she will be OK and

you will return around dinner time.




When dropping off and picking up, please sign in/out at the front door. We encourage you to say goodbye with a hug and a kiss, as this reassures a child and makes the drop off a happy time. If your child is having a hard time separating, please talk to the staff for assistance.

Parents are always welcome to call the Centre throughout the day and ask how their child is doing.

It is important to be prompt when picking up your child. It could cause stress for your child to be the last one at the Centre. Teachers may have meetings to attend or other obligations.

*Please note: A late fee is charged for late pick up. The charge is $1.00 per minute. This is due upon pick up or the next morning of attending.

Toys From Home: We ask that toys stay at home. Too often, toys go missing or are broken, causing broken hearts.





Day 1 - The child arrives between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Parents stay for 20 minutes or longer, if necessary, then they say goodbye and leave the child at the daycare until 11:00 am. Parents should be available by phone in case staff needs to contact them.  


Day 2 - Arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Family member(s) leave when child is settled, and come(s) back for pick-up by 11:30 am, during outside play.   


Day 3 - Arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Family member(s) leave when child is settled, and come(s) back for pick-up by 12:30 pm, which is after lunch.    


Day 4 - Arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Child stays for their nap and is picked up at 3:00 pm, after nap/quiet time.


Day 5 - Child stays for most of a regular day: 9:00/ 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. After the 5th day, if your child responds well to all the changes, 15 minutes can be added per day (6th day – 4:15pm; 7th day – 4:30pm and so on), until 5:00pm, if that is your desired pick-up time.


PLEASE NOTE: A family member must be available for pick-up at any time during the gradual entry. The goal of gradual entry is to allow children to develop a sense of security and trust with the daycare staff and should be a positive experience for them. We require your collaboration in order to ensure that this process is successful and welcomed by your child. We kindly ask you to say a quick goodbye to your child when leaving the centre and to explain to them that you will come back later.  Staff will be discussing if any changes to the gradual entry are required based on your child’s individual needs.  





(Hours of operation 8:00am – 5:00pm)


  8:00am               Centre Opens -Inside/outside Exploration

  9:45am               Morning snack

10:15am               Clean up & Toileting

10:30am               Group activity (art, science, baking, or math) or circle time 

                             (songs, finger plays, stories, daily calendar)                          

11:00am               Toileting 

11:15am               Outdoor Playtime

12:00pm               Hand washing & Lunchtime

12:30pm               Toileting & Story time

  1:00pm               Nap/Quiet time

  3:00pm               Toileting & Hand washing Screen Time

  3:30pm               Snack Time

  3:50pm               Toileting & Hand washing 

  4:00pm                Inside/Outside Exploration

  5:00pm               Centre closes

* Outdoor time is increased weather permitting.

* Naps are based on child’s needs






Here at the Centre we do a variety of activities. In order for your child to participate and feel comfortable, we ask that you send him/her in appropriate clothing. Children learn through play and at the Centre we believe in allowing a child to play freely and in doing so they might get dirty. We suggest that you send your child in "daycare clothes" that may get dirty and possibly ruined. Please bring extra clothes that your child can change into. Here are some supplies that you may want to keep at the Centre.

Bedsheet and blanket, (Stuffed animal & soother if necessary) 

Two complete changes of clothing to be kept in your child’s cubby

Water bottle

Family photo


Extra shoes

Muddy buddies or rain pants (to be left at the centre)

Warm coat with a hood for fall/winter 

Mittens or waterproof gloves for fall/winter

Shorts, bathing suit, sunscreen, water shoes and a hat for spring/summer

Diapers and wet wipes if your child requires them

Lunch kit with icepack


* Please label all items with your child’s name. (Including clothing)

* We play outside rain or shine.






Guidelines for snacks and lunches are as follows:

Please send your child with a complete lunch everyday they attend.

No candy, chocolate bars, potato chips, pop, fruit roll-ups, fruit gummies. (These are the most highly processed foods.)

Treats will be sent home. No juice boxes that are not pure fruit juice.

We offer baking and cooking as a part of our curriculum. We use pure ingredients. We make pure juice popsicles for hot summer days.

Children at Meraki receive a morning and an afternoon snack. Children are given the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as carbohydrates. Much of our fruit and vegetables are organic.

Meraki snacks are carefully selected to provide children with healthy options. Morning snacks usually include oatmeal, whole wheat toast with jam or alternatives, yoghurt, cheese and crackers, cereal, as well as two kinds of fruits. In the afternoon, the snack includes whole wheat crackers, cookies and muffins, and on special celebrations cupcakes, as well as two kinds of fruits. All the snacks we provide are nut free. If, for any reason, the snack options above do not suit your child’s dietary needs, please bring your child’s own snack.

It is recognized that the intake of fluids throughout the day is an important factor in maintaining good health. Meraki children drink filtered water during snacks, lunch, and during play time. Children’s water bottles are located at a reachable level, so they can drink water throughout the day without assistance from the staff. Parents are welcome to send milk or alternatives, which will be served during lunch.

Children will not exchange foods at any time. As many children are very sensitive or allergic to nuts, please note that we are a NUT FREE centre, therefore no nut or may contain nut products are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

What is a healthy lunch for children?

Include a variety of food from at least three (3) of the four food groups: (4) Vegetables & Fruit, Grain Products, Dairy and Meat & Alternatives. Children are eating too much fat, sugar, and salt and not enough vegetables, fruit, milk products and whole grain foods.

* Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.





Should a child become ill or injured while at the daycare centre, parents will be called. If the parents cannot be contacted, the emergency contact list will be used. A quiet place for rest is provided for ill children while waiting to be picked up by the parents.


Parents are advised to keep their children home for the following conditions:

Pain-any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain.

An acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat. Once temperature, well being and energy are normal, 

coughing and runny nose may continue without the child being contagious. These symptoms may be caused by allergies.

Yellow, green, or brown mucus from nose (this could be a sign of an infection)

Difficulty in breathing –wheezing or persistent cough.

Fever (99F/37.3C or higher) within the past 24 hours (May be an early sign of illness. Child may return to centre after 24 hours.)

Sore throat or trouble swallowing.

Headache and stiff neck- should see a physician.

Infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rash.

Diarrhea, (one or more episodes), child must stay home for 48 hours.

Nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps. Vomiting in the past 24 hrs, (once or multiple times), must stay home for 48 hours.

Severe itching of the body and scalp (ex. Lice scabies etc…)

Children with known or suspected communicable diseases.

It is required to keep (or take) children home when the child:

Is suffering from one or more of the above symptoms.

Is not well enough to take part in regular program, including outdoor play.

Has head lice-child should not return to the centre until they have started treatment.

Needs Tylenol to keep fever down


 A child may return to daycare when:

- Fever has remained below 99.5F (37.5C) for 24 hours without medication

- 48 hours have passed since last bout of sickness

- Rash is contained and not spread through the body

- Symptoms have subsided

- Child has been examined by a doctor and has received medical clearance (and all of the above symptoms have cleared or are significantly reduced) – medical notes do not void our current policies.

Medication - Medication can only be administered to your child if the parent/guardian has approved so. Over the counter medicine, for example Tylenol and Advil cannot be given to keep a sick child at the centre.






Children are encouraged to use the problem solving method for disputes and differences. Program curriculum enhances the development of empathy. We promote the importance of respecting one another, embracing our differences as a learning opportunity and at all time preserving the dignity of every child and adult.

We will ensure that no child enrolled in the program is, while under the care of or supervision of the staff, parents and volunteers be:

Subjected to shoving, hitting, shaking, spanking or any other form of corporal punishment.

Subjected to harsh belittling or degrading treatment, whether verbal emotional or physical, that would humiliate the child or undermine the child’s self respect.

As a form of punishment, confined, physically retrained or kept without adult supervision, apart from other children.

As a form of punishment, deprived of meals, snacks, rest or the necessary use of a toilet.

Children are treated with respect while encouraged to verbally problem solve. Adults will remind children and offer help in the problem solving process. When a child is upset and needs time alone, choices of quiet activities will be offered. If a child is struggling with anger and is hitting, kicking or biting, he/she will be redirected to an area to calm down and work out the anger. The intervention also protects others from physical assault/harm.

We problem solve:  

Identify the problem

Ask each child to explain their point of view

Offer solutions and choices or if the children are older ask the children for solutions.

Come to an agreement for all parties involved

Follow up to ensure all parties are satisfied and feel the solution was fair








Meraki ELC will ensure that no child enrolled in the program, while under the care or supervision of staff, or volunteers is subjected to emotional, physical, sexual abuse or emotional neglect. 


Adults legally have to report child abuse and neglect to the appropriate authorities.


To Report suspected child abuse or neglect, call Ministry for Children and Families 

Child Protection Intake Unit at 660-5437 (660-KIDS) 8:30am - 4:30pm   


After Hours Line Emergencies outside office hours

Vancouver, North Shore Richmond Tel. 604-660-4927

Burnaby, Delta, Maple Ridge, Langley Tel. 604-660-8180

For the rest of the province toll-free 1-800-663-9122



* If you or the child/children are in immediate danger, call 911.








Fire Drill and Emergency Procedures

Fire Drills are practiced one a month.

A staff member will ring a bell used specifically for drills and emergencies. (A sound that the children will become familiar with)

The staff will collect and escort the children from the children care centre, remaining calm while moving quickly.

Checking the washroom and rooms before leaving. The last adult out will close the door.

The supervisor will, or instruct another staff to, collect the attendance record board, the first aid kit and the cell phone to call 911.

Attendance will be taken immediately upon arrival at the meeting place by calling out names and visually identifying the children and adults.

Our meeting place is located in front of 4147 West 15th Avenue on the side walk.

Earthquake Preparedness Plan

All staff is given the Earthquake Preparedness Package

All staff have been advised of their responsibility during and after the quake

Talk to children

Practice Earthquake Drills four (4) times a year.


Earthquake kit

Small toy or book

A photo of the family or letter

Unopened bottle of water (500 ml)

Medication for your child (if necessary)

Diapers and wipes

Emergency foods (crackers, granola bars, dry cereals, etc.)

Extra clothes and shoes (including a warm sweater or jacket)


Please bring the above items in a small backpack so it can be

carried by your child in case we need to evacuate the building.





Active Play:

Meraki Early Learning Centre recognizes the significance of physical activity for young children. Implementation of appropriate physical activity practices supports the health and development of children in care, as well as assisting in establishing positive lifestyle habits.

Active play is physical activity which includes moderate to vigorous bursts of high energy, raises children’s heart rate and may make them ‘huff and puff’ such as running or jumping. 

Active play helps to promote healthy growth and development and supports body control and movement. Active play also helps to promote children’s confidence, improves concentration, thinking, learning skills, and provides opportunities to develop social skills.

- Children will accumulate at least 120 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily while in childcare. 

- Outdoor playtime will be included and where possible, play should be planned across a variety of settings (e.g. backyard, playgrounds, parks, Camosun bog/forest, neighbourhood walks).

- To follow children’s natural rhythm, play in smaller sessions of 15 minutes or longer to add up to at least 120 minutes over the day. 

- At least 60 minutes of the physical activity is led by the early learning educator. Which may include dancing, zumba, yoga etc.

- At least two activities the early learning educator will target fundamental movement skills (such as running, hopping, jumping, balancing, throwing, catching, and kicking).

- Children will accumulate at least 60 minutes of free play/unstructured physical activity.


Screen Time:

- Children will be exposed to 30 minutes or less of screen time daily while at Meraki Early Learning Centre .

- No more than 150 minutes of screen time will but accumulated through the week. Less is better.

- This includes computer, television, tablet, smart phone, and active video games.

- Active video games do not replace physical activity.

- We may use screen time during circle time as an educational tool.

- All attempts should be made to avoid exposing children to marketing and advertising.







Meraki Early Learning Centre will practice emergency drills once a month. Children will be prepared for what is expected of them to do. Having regular drills will also help the children to feel less stressed and panicked in stressful situations. After each drill, teachers will gather the children and discuss as a group what may happen in a real situation. Teachers will refer to additional resources for more information on emergencies and safety preparedness.




Contact Numbers: 

In the case of an emergency and when the daycare phone can't be reached, parents/guardians can contact the following numbers:

                   Danae Spittel’s Cell phone: (604) 729-7046

                   Iakovos Chondroyannos’ Cell phone: (778) 898-5353

                   Vicki Costas Cell phone: (604) 626- 8976

Comfort bag: 

Parents are asked to provide the following items to the centre so that it could be added in comfort bags:

                  A letter addressed to your child 

                  A picture of the family

                  A small cuddle toy or favourite book





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